• 8 tracks    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 億力鑫系統科技股份有限公司

      ...段光學自動檢測系統(AOI)設計組裝製造;產品有SPIN COATER TRACK System, ALIGNER, DEVELOPER, MASK CLEANER,及光學自動檢測系統(AOI),擁有為數不少的客戶群。 本公司擁有諸多全台第一和唯一,例如:全台最大的 Color Filter 使用之 Mask Cleane...

      電話:03-5526880    地址:新竹縣竹北市台元街22號5樓之2(台元科技園區)
    2. 富力士國際股份有限公司(Fulix Technology)

      ... technical capacity of engineering team and product management with record tracking of broad range experiences will be able to fulfill your feature inquiry and specific application. The dedication and devotion of Fulix team is your top choice of solution provider for CCTV and surveillance solution.

      電話:02-82280238    地址:新北市中和區中正路738號17樓之8 (遠東科學園區)
    3. 艾葳爾科技有限公司

      This is a new company established in Feb of 2010. We focus on gps tracking systems like vehicle tracker, personal tracker and related gps accessories products’ sales. Even though this is new company, we will grow speedily as rich experiences on gps marketing in past. It is highly welcome tal...

      電話:02-26620680    地址:新北市深坑區北深路三段155巷15號10樓
    4. 浩琦國際股份有限公司

      ...lted in the establishment of a vibrant Opiumex, which has had a successful track record of sustained growth over the last decade. In 2004, Opiumex set up an affiliated company, Opiumex International, which endeavors to meet more customer requirements by expanding its existing product lines to other ...

      電話:02-29403573    地址:台北市中正區羅斯福路三段241號8樓之2 
    5. 興僑工業有限公司

      ...品質認證民國99年導入鼎新電腦的SMART ERP 及 SFT(Shop Floor Tracking)系統 一路走來始終秉持著「技術、品質、服務」的精神,不斷地提昇員工素質及汰換各項軟硬體設備,提供一流產品及服務,以達到與客戶共同成長、永續經營,共...

      電話:02-26807792    地址:新北市樹林區新興街37巷26號

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